Notify users when add new employee
Prequisite to consume
The event will be triggered when
- There is a new employee via bulk update
- There is a new employee via add new employee
- There is a new employee added after approval process
"personal": {
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"year_from": String,
"year_to": String,
"score": String
"informal_education_history": [{
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"name": String,
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"fee": String,
"certification": Boolean,
"start_date": Date,
"end_date": Date,
"reference_id": Number,
"filename": String,
"description": String,
"create_date": Date,
"update_date": Date
"employment": {
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"company_id": Number,
"organization_id": Number,
"organization_name": String,
"job_position_id": Number,
"job_position": String,
"job_level_id": Number,
"job_level": String,
"employement_status_id": Number,
"employment_status": String,
"branch_id": Number,
"branch": String,
"join_date": Date,
"length_of_service": String,
"grade": String,
"approval_line": Number,
"approval_line_employee_id": String,
"status": String,
"resign_date": String,
"working_experiences": [],
"sign_date": Date,
"sbu": [
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"value_id": null,
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"payroll_info": {
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"bpjs_kesehatan": String,
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"cost_center_category_name": String,
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"created_at": Date,
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"custom_field": [
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"role_name": String,
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Example Response
"personal": {
"first_name": "SDET",
"last_name": "Superadmin",
"barcode": "MKR861",
"email": "",
"identity_type": "KTP",
"identity_number": "",
"expired_date_identity_id": "",
"postal_code": "",
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"birth_place": "Johor Baru",
"birth_date": "1992-07-08",
"phone": "",
"mobile_phone": "",
"gender": "Male",
"marital_status": "Married",
"blood_type": "AB",
"religion": "Islam",
"avatar": ""
"family": {
"members": [
"id": 17536,
"full_name": "ahmad leo",
"relationship": "Mother",
"relationship_id": 11,
"birth_date": "2021-09-06",
"no_ktp": "",
"marital_status": "",
"gender": "Male",
"job": "",
"religion": "",
"is_deleted": 0,
"created_at": "2021-09-06 15:11:14",
"updated_at": "2021-09-06 15:11:14"
"id": 17545,
"full_name": "Sekala Niskala",
"relationship": "Sibling",
"relationship_id": 2,
"birth_date": "1990-12-05",
"no_ktp": "310202010101010",
"marital_status": "Married",
"gender": "Male",
"job": "Detektif Swasta",
"religion": "Catholic",
"is_deleted": 0,
"created_at": "2021-09-22 12:34:35",
"updated_at": "2021-09-22 12:34:35"
"id": 17546,
"full_name": "Akan didelete",
"relationship": "Cousin",
"relationship_id": 20,
"birth_date": "1944-02-16",
"no_ktp": "",
"marital_status": "",
"gender": "Female",
"job": "",
"religion": "",
"is_deleted": 1,
"created_at": "2021-09-22 12:37:29",
"updated_at": "2021-09-22 12:43:38"
"emergency_contacts": [
"full_name": "eren yeager",
"relationship": "Father",
"birth_date": "",
"no_ktp": "",
"marital_status": "",
"gender": "",
"job": "",
"religion": ""
"full_name": "Sekala Niskala",
"relationship": "Sibling",
"birth_date": "",
"no_ktp": "",
"marital_status": "",
"gender": "",
"job": "",
"religion": ""
"education": {
"formal_education_history": [
"education_degree": "String",
"institution_name": "String",
"informal_education_history": [{
"id": 3254,
"user_id": 935848,
"company_id": 3053,
"held_by_institution_name": "Lembaga Iusto.",
"name": "Course Et.",
"duration": 31,
"duration_type": 1,
"fee": "118329",
"certification": true,
"start_date": "2021-12-27",
"end_date": "2022-01-26",
"reference_id": 28,
"filename": "",
"description": "",
"create_date": "2022-01-27 10:40:09",
"update_date": "2022-01-27 10:40:09"
"employment": {
"employee_id": "SDET-001",
"company_id": 3053,
"organization_id": 20392,
"organization_name": "IT Division",
"job_position_id": 20392,
"job_position": "Staff IT",
"job_level_id": 20392,
"job_level": "Manager",
"employement_status_id": 20392,
"employment_status": "employment status dont delete",
"branch_id": 0,
"branch": "Pusat",
"join_date": "2018-01-08",
"length_of_service": "3 Year 10 Month 1 Day",
"grade": "Grade 1",
"class": "Class A",
"approval_line": 935853,
"approval_line_employee_id": "SDET-002",
"status": "Active",
"resign_date": "",
"working_experiences": [],
"sign_date": "2024-04-16",
"sbu": [
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"field_name": "group 1",
"value_id": null,
"value_name": null,
"value_code": null
"payroll_info": {
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"bpjs_kesehatan": "",
"npwp": "",
"bank_id": 0,
"bank_name": "-",
"bank_account": "",
"bank_account_holder": "",
"ptkp_status": "TK/0",
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"cost_center_id": 71,
"cost_center_name": "COST CENTER DONT DELETE",
"cost_center_category_id": 1,
"cost_center_category_name": "Direct",
"employee_tax_status": 0,
"nationality_code": "",
"expatriatedn_date": "",
"created_at": "2020-11-13 14:11:56",
"updated_at": "2021-10-19 17:30:22"
"custom_field": [
"field_name": "level",
"value": ""
"access_role": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Super Admin",
"role_id": 1,
"role_name": "Super Admin",
"role_type": "default"